
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am still here! ;)

Hello All,

Just thought I would pop in and let you know I am still here. With the exception of a card that was made in advance and the blog candy winners post that I had to do, I have been MIA for a little while.
Here is a snippet of what my last 2 weeks have been like...
Hubby and I both had the flu. I missed work for a week but was too sick to craft.
My mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She had surgery Friday in Tulsa, OK. The doctors think it was all contained but won't know for sure until they get the biopsy result for the lymph nodes that were removed.
Our central heat went out and it is COLD in Kansas my friends!
Yesterday my son Kurt was rushed to the emergency room out of town with a yet to be diagnosed issue. He has some tests scheduled for today. Please pray for him that is is something minor and very curable.
I stayed home from work sick (actually dead tired) today and also have a pain in my side like a kidney infection. I will be downing the cranberry juice and water all day!
Anyhow...I apologize for not being more active with my blog, and my visits to yours, as of late but I think you will understand why. Now I just hope I can get all of my samples done for my design team commitments for the month!
Wish me luck!

True :D


  1. Hey True,
    Aww hun you sound as if you have had enough to cope with without worrying about all of us. We aren't going anywhere soon so concentrate on getting everyone well and come back when you can. I hope everything is ok for your Mom and your son - will say a prayer for both of them.
    Take care, stay warm and get well.
    Loadza Hugs
    DAwn xx

  2. Hi True,

    So sorry for all the snags in your life at this time. I will pray for your mom and son and you too with that pain!!! Hope your life will take a better turn right away! Be sure to take enough time for you and your family. I'm sure your design teams will understand a personal emergency and be lenient.

    Hugs and blessings,

  3. Trudy, that is a lot to happen all at once. Even just one of those things would be difficult. I DO know what it feels like to have many difficult things to deal with at once. I send you empathy and will be praying for your family.

  4. I hope you will all feel much better soon!

  5. Sorry you are getting a downpour of bad luck right now. Hope you see brighter days ahead soon!!
    Take care and best wishes for you and the entire family!

  6. True, thoughts and prayers for your son and your Mom. Please feel better soon (heat is good!). Wishing you sunshine....

  7. Sounds like a nasty time. Here's to hoping things get better for you.

  8. Thinking of you and sending prayers!

  9. True, I am so sorry to hear about all your illness lately. I hope your son is okay and your mother gets well soon. I also live in Kansas so I understand about the cold. I hope life gets less complicated and makes a turn for the positive soon. Please know I am thinking of you. Be well friend.

  10. True,
    I am so sorry to hear about all the sickness, and troubles you have been having lately. I hope everyone will be well soon. As a true fan of your blog I will keep checking on you, please take some time for yourself and feel better soon. Being a Kansan myself I completely understand about the heater, I wish you all the best and I will be thinking and praying for all of you. Be well my friend.

  11. Oh, it sounds like you're having a rough month so far. I'm sorry to hear about your being sick, you mom and your son. I hope all goes well and will keep you and your family in my prayers. You take care of yourself.

  12. Ohhh me True....sending healing thoughts and prayers that all your needs will be met today and tomorrow.
    You have really been through so much in the past few weeks. I will call and have everyone put on our church prayer list.


  13. Oh, no. I hope you and yours truly feel better soon and get well. Rest well.

    xoxo hugz

  14. hugs and prayers to you and yours hun xoxo

  15. Hi True, Sorry to hear about all that's been going on this past week or so. My thoughts are with you and your family and that you all feel better soon. I'll be posting your goodie off as soon as I get to the post office so you should receive it in a week or so.
    Take care Nicola

  16. Yikes True... just read and know that I'm thinking of you and hoping for the very best in every situation. Hang in there!

  17. True,
    So so sorry to hear of all your burdens and health concerns! Hugs! Praying you and loved ones are much healthier with good medical reports, soon!

  18. Sounds like a lot of misfortunes! Think I'm coming down with the flu! :(

  19. Trudy, so sorry to hear all those things happening to you all at once! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please keep us posted regarding your son.
    Extra hugs,

  20. Oh no, what a terrible time for you and your family. Sending you hugs and prayers...

  21. Hi True ~ I just wanted to lift your spirits and give you some much needed HOPE! God has healed me of cancer - twice!!! Once through doctors and once by His hand alone (honest!!!). If He did it for me, He will do it for anyone! I do lift you up, your mom and your son in prayer. Jesus is our Healer and through believing, He will perform miracles : )

    May His Healing Hand touch you through and through, bringing peace like you've never experienced before!

    Much love and hugs ~ Lori

  22. My goodness, you have all really been going 'through the mill' lately.

    I pray that you all make a good recovery and that life treats you all kindly from now on.

  23. aww, True! feel better, hunneh!
    hope the cranberry juice does its trick - i find myself in that predicament more often than i'd care to admit, and one jug of that stuff usually does the trick! (i HATE going on antibiotics!)

    hope hubby is better, too! when it rains, it pours, right?
    and i'm SO sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis - fingers crossed that they got it all, and that she's feeling like a million bucks again soon. xo

  24. True I am so sorry to hear about all this 'bad' stuff you are going through...I hope all turns out well for you, your Mom and your son and that you are all on the road to recovery and better times!!!


  25. What a lot of trouble and problems! I hope for the best for all of you. Get well soon! You and your family are in my prayers.

  26. Oh, True! SOO sad to hear all of your woes. Hope things are looking up even by now. Will pray for your mom and son (just said a prayer now, too.) Get better soon, and keep us posted. Remember, God is the Great Physician!
    *smiles and prayers*

  27. Oh True,

    I just recently found you, but had to tell you that I hope you are doing better. All of the things you are doing through, you are in my thoughts and your son & Mother in my prayers. You certainly are going through quite a bit. I am so sorry.

    Warm thoughts being sent your way!

  28. Hope you feel better! I'm sending my thoughts and prayers your way for your family members, too.

  29. I enjoy visiting your site but am lazy leaving comments. I needed to respond to this posting. I am so sorry to hear of the nastiness that has hit you lately; my mom always said when it rains it usually pours.......but then the sun always comes out eventually! Your sunshine is well over due!! Praying for Gods healing for your mom, son and you and DH!

  30. Hi Trudy! I do hope it is nothing serious, for both you AND your son! I have searched in vain for your email address..can you please send me it along with your actual snail mail addy too please? ;) kerilee 79 at g mail dot com THANKS!

  31. just checking in to send some love and sweetness... miss your fabulous posts, and i hope you're feeling better. xooooxoxoox

  32. True, I am thinking of you and really hope this last week has been easier on your family. I pray that your son and your mom are doing well. Don't forget to take care of you! I know you always take care of everyone else!

  33. I hope you and your family are doing better True!!! When you have a moment please come to my blog..I have something there for you!!


  34. Oh dear True~~so sorry to hear about all misfortune:( Hope you get better soon as all your loved ones. Will keep you all in my prayers and don't overdo it. Life will continue no matter what you get done or not get done. We all love you!!!!
    Blessings for health

  35. Wow, True, I am just making the rounds to check in on all of my blogging buds - I am SO sorry I did not see your post sooner and even more sorry to hear that you are going through all of this!

    I hope that by the time you read this that you and hubby have heat and are recovered from the flu (or at least feeling WAY better!) - that your mom is healing from her surgery and that she has had good news re: her test results - and that your son has also been diagnosed and that whatever health issue is going on with him, it IS minor and he is also on his way to being healed!

    I also pray that God will be with you and your family during this time and that you will not only feel His presence there, to uphold you and give you strength, but that you will also feel the love and support of your friends everywhere!


  36. I am so sorry to read all the news. I hope by now things are better. You are in my thoughts and prayers today.


  37. True, there are times when apologies just aren't necessary. I truly hope that your mom is okay and that all is going well with her. My prayers will be with all of your family, you certainly have had a time of it.{{cyber hugs}}


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. Makes what I do worthwhile! :)
True :)