
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Come Fly With Me On The Wings Of OWOH!


Hi everyone!
I had so much fun last year flying on the OWOH Magic Carpet Ride that when I saw that sweet Lisa Swifka was going to do it one more time, well of course I had to join in!
It is a blog hop that is for bloggers only and everyone who joins in on the hop will be offering a gift prize to give to at least one of our commentors.
It is such a wonderful way for artist from all different mediums and from all over the world to get to meet each other. I still follow and keep in touch with several that I met last year. FFL!  ;)

If you just happened upon my blog for another reason and would like to fly along with us, click the logo above to go to Lisa's blog for a list of all of the participants.

OK...her's the poop on me...
I have been crafting all of my life and dabbled in almost all mediums, my current love is high-end handmade greeting cards. I draw many of my own images and even illustrate clear and digital stamps for a stamp company. I also design for 7 other craft companies. I have been published in magazines and a coloring technique book. The vast majority of my cards are done in watercolor but I also use Prismacolor pencils with Gamsol and Copic (alcohol ink) pens.

Here are just a couple examples of my stamp illustrations and greeting cards:
remember, you can click on them for a closer look.

My "Flower Bunny" has been made into a clear stamp.

My "Just BeeCause" image is available as a digi stamp.

I created this digital stamp set as a donation to raise money for a friend who has terminal cancer.

My "Monkey Business" illustration was turned into a digi stamp.

My "Bear Hugs" was also turned into a clear stamp.

 As was my "We Go Together Like..." set.

My "Brrrthday Snowman" is a digi set also!

Next to my husband of 30 years, Robert, my son Kurt, and the rest of my family and close friends, there is no one I would rather spend my time with then my crafty online friends. I have made many over the 3 or 4 years I have been card making and blogging. I have had the pleasure of meeting many of them in person at craft conventions and in classes.

I love blogging, sharing my craft and meeting new people.
Other things I love in no particular order:
The smell of fresh cut grass
Songbirds in Spring
Laughing till it hurts
Puppy breath (I know...this is an odd one)
Crab legs
My English Bull child, Zoey
My feline babies, Quilt, Brother and Nother
Coloring like a kid
A clean house
My craft studio
The sound of my son's laughter
Sudden Summer downpours
Walking in the woods looking for wild mushrooms
Setting behind and hugging my soul mate on a Harley ride
Lilacs and Peonies
Double rainbows...well...any rainbow
The Cullens  and Jacob
Foot , hand and head massages
and growing the alternative!  :)

Enough already...on to the good stuff!

To thank you for visiting my blog and getting to know a little about me I am offering some beautiful hand-dyed silk ribbon that I got from Really Reasonable Ribbon.

Here is a close up of a few of my favorites.

I wanted my gift to be something that would be useful to just about any artist or crafter and this stuff is amazingly beautiful! Pictures never do it justice!
There are about 20 yards of assorted colors!

I am also throwing in a 3" x 9" tag that I made with "One Heart" embellishment on it to symbolize OHOW. I will add some extra tickets so you can fill them in and give to your sweetie or use in your mixed medium projects.

It's against my religion  ;)  to send a half empty box so I will add a surprise element by filling it with as many bits, baubles and mixed media embellishments as I can get in it! I want to make the time it takes you to post a comment worth your while!  :)

All ya need to do is leave a comment to be entered. If you don't have an email link on your blog, you will need to add it to your comment. I will ship anywhere for this special occasion!
Another reason I chose's light enough it can "Fly On The Wings" around the world.

I will announce the winner the evening of the 17th.

I thought I would show you a very quick video of my Zoey after the snow. Hope you get a chuckle!

You might want to scroll all of the way down to the bottom of my page and pause the play list so you can hear the video. ;)

I want to send out a special thanks to Lisa for hosting this one more time. I know it is a ton of work but I think for you it's a labor of love.  :)

Hugs to all,
True :D


  1. Thanks for visiting me and my blog, you make very pretty cards
    I would love a chance to win your door prize
    My e'mail is on my blog
    Happy OWOH
    Hugs Minxy x

    {by the way your title says will end JAN 17th and it should be FEB lol}

  2. Wow! I have been a follower for a while. Love your cards! So amazing.

    thechecker@gmail dot com

  3. I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! I have followed your blog for a while. Thanks for a chance to win that beautiful ribbon.
    Hugs, Antonella :-)
    Please stop by for a chance to win my giveaway!

  4. these ribbons would be a real treasure to get! thanks for the chance to win!

  5. I am a follower of your blog and always in awe of your beautiful cards. You are so talented.

    I would love to enter your give away. I am also participating :)

  6. Hi True, love your illustrations and cards, beautiful and adorable both! Its so nice to make your acquaintance. Please stop by my blog as well :-)

    Happy Creating from Modesto, California


  7. Hi True! It is sooo nice to meet you and humbled that you want to join my blog and like my stuff! Thank you! Your work is fabulous and I am so impressed with all your accomplishments. Your life sounds divine... I can't wait to learn more about you, I'm following you now, too! I already had a flash in my head of what I'll do with that gorgeous ribbon if I am the lucky winner!

    chow for now!

  8. You´re right, this ribbon IS useful and it´s beautiful! Please enter my name in your drawing and maybe visit my blog, too.

  9. Great job on your cards! Thanks for sharing! I also enjoy learning more about my blogging buddies! Thanks for sharing! :) Blessings!

  10. Your cards are so cute! That tag is gorgeous and the ribbon!!!! *sigh and swoon!* Love it all! Thanks for the chance to win! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  11. Nice to meet you! That is so cute! I would love to be in your giveaway, please count me in. Thank you!

  12. My bears and their friends would love to wear your ribbons!!
    I think your illustrations/stamps are really great. Please enter me in your drawing!

  13. Hi True & thank you so much for stopping by!
    Wonderful prizes :))!You are so talented artist!
    Pls count me !
    Greeting from Tuscany, Italy
    Mila :)

    #58 on Magic Carpet

  14. What pretty,pretty cards you make and I love your stamp designs!
    Lovely to meet you!!
    Your giveaway is gorgeous and beautiful, would love to win!
    Hugs from bonny Scotland.
    PS if you have a mo, please come and visit my giveaway too:o)

  15. Greetings, True!...So pleased to visit your lovely blog. I am a Canadian Mixed Media and Digital Artist and it is great to be meeting up with a new friend (IBFS). I hope you will visit my blog as well.

    Thank you for including me in your wonderful gift draw. Hugs, Gayle.

  16. Love your giveaway !!!
    I would looooove to win !!!
    Thanks for the chance and happy OWOH !!!


  17. Hi there! Great blog you've got here. So glad to meet you and I hope you are having fun at the OWOH, I know I am! Hugs!


  18. Hello True...Wow! is right. I'm tired just reading about all the things that you create. It's a good thing you are a SAHW now cuz I don't know how you would get it all done otherwise.
    Thanks so much for stopping by for One World One Heart and for leaving your sweet comments. I will happily enter your name in to the pot for my Very Cherry earrings giveaway. I will follow you too so that I can make my way back over to see more of all the fun things you create. You know I'm loving the 'Cherry Card' you;ve made. Fabulous. Best of luck on the giveaway.

  19. Flying in from One World One Heart! :)

    Nice to meet you True! Your cards are off the charts amazing, I'm always such a dunce with cardmaking! lol Thanks for having me over and sharing your talent with us!

    You're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!

    Happy Blog Discovery!

  20. G'Day from Brisbane! The ribbons are lovely. I would have such fun creating with them.

    homemakerhoney@ gmail .com

    My OWOH giveaway:

  21. oh Goodies, goodies, goodies! yippeee!!

  22. What wonderful items for your giveaway!! I would love to be included! Thank you so much!

    Kindest regards,
    Dale Ann ~
    OWOH participant
    #195 Chronicles of Whimsy

  23. I've already been following you. I love your work! Great giveaways.
    So glad you are a part of this event...Enjoy!

  24. Ribbon!! Please put my name in the pot! This is my first time participating in this great OWOH event! I am having a blast visiting so many creative blogs! Thank You, Tee

  25. Hi True! I don't do cards or paper crafts...mostly I stitch, quilt, or make jewelry. Those silk ribbons would be great embroidered on a crazy quilt patch. Happy OWOH! When you have a moment, come visit with me...and I'll be back here again too as I'm your newest follower!

  26. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. Everyting you make is always so wonderful. Love those colorful ribbons. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
    visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

  27. So nice to meet you on this wonderful blog event. Your cards are truly gorgeous.
    I would love a chance to win some beautiful silks. You are ribbon has so many uses.
    Count me in.
    Stop by and say hi on my blog..

  28. You make the most wonerful cards. Please include me in your drawing.

  29. I would love to have the many fun things to do with it! Thanks! Please come by to visit me, too! ♥

  30. Hello True,
    Its so nice to meet you!
    Love your art work!
    {especially the cherry pie piece}

    Would love to win one of your creations!

    Smiles, Dolly

  31. Hallo, nice to meet you
    Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
    This is so sweetPlease count me in.
    Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
    Regards from Germany and happy OWOH

  32. Oh my gosh now that is a post True. Hee. Such gorgeous creations. I love that bunny sooooooooo much. Wow. Your cards look like candy....with the colors you use...they make me smile and drool. When do you find out that you got on the Cosmo Cricket DT?

  33. Oh, yes, embellishments, especially dyed ribbon! Wow! I would be honored to be included! Visit me at #123 in the OWOH event for my giveaways!

  34. cool cards, your feel for the art has your own thought about them which I enjoy for there is so many that follow the "whats happening" design and use of elements and not going for their own look.
    Well you are #3 of the paper creative artist I have found...and then there is me!
    come on over to Oregon and have coffee...Tootsie

  35. I love the ribbon and your cards are awesome

  36. As for one of my loves - Ribbon!! Thank-you for the chance to win..

  37. Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
    Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
    ~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

  38. What a wonderful prize. So pleased to have met you through OWOH. Cheers from Australia.

  39. What a terrific prize you are giving away! Please enter me in your draw. I really enjoyed looking around your blog!
    connie from kauai, hawaii

  40. Your cards have always amazed me! Thanks for participating :)

  41. What a great prize! I so hope I win! Please do visit my giveaway at my Irish blog which is

  42. Your cards are inspirational! I would love to reach such quality one day! Your yummy ribbons are definitely a great and wonderful giveaway gift. Thank you.

  43. Hi True,

    What wonderful items you have chosen for your giveaway. Your cards are brilliant. I see you are very talented. Please, please, please count me in.
    I joined the OWOH event also. Pop on over for your chance to win my giveaway.


    Kyles =D

  44. True, your stamps are fantastic - you are true-ly talented, haha, couldn't resist that one.

  45. Oooh what gorgeous ribbon! It has my creative fingers itching!! Please do count me in and enjoy OWOH x

  46. Hi there True! I LOVE ribbons, can't get enough...
    This is my first time doing OWOH but I'm having so much fun traveling around the world just by sitting in my livingroom :) //Lisa #151

  47. Hey! Lovely lovely giveaway gifts. I am loving my journey round the world with OWOH.

    I am interested in card making and decorating boxes - but sadly found out about OWOH too late to participate.

    I have two blogs - come & see me sometime

  48. Super card and blog. I am a new follower and love to invite you to my blog for a custom made apron. Enter @

  49. Your work is wonderful, I love your blog. Your giveaway is very generous, the ribbon looks lovely, so many possibilities.

  50. Yea! I'm so glad to be here and to meet you. You have an awesome blog, and I love the adorable matchbox! Come check my blog out sometime. Thanks for entering me in your contest!


  51. Wow - your work is wonderful! I love the peace dove you created as a fundraiser. What a beautiful gesture of kindness and love.
    The yummy ribbons, gorgeous tag and surprise goodies would be a fantastic win!
    I am so happy you joined OWOH. Pop by my blog, #51, if you get a chance.
    big hugs from ON, Canada

  52. Flying in from One World One Heart!

    Hello True, I'm your follower,
    nice to meet hear too -
    beautiful gift, hope to win.
    Greetings from Finland;-))m

  53. Hi from Ohio. it's nice to meet you. your work is beautiful. I would love to win the ribbons and create beautiful jewelry with them. :)

  54. Hi True, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win that gorgeous dyed ribbon and your beautiful tag:-)

    Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven't done so already!!

    Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

  55. I'm lovin your blog :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  56. Oh please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at


  57. Thanks for the chance to win! You Rock, True!!!!

  58. I learned a couple of things I didn't know - how cool is that! Love your cards.

  59. Greetings from Virginia, US. Thanks for your giveaway. Please feel free to check out mine.
    Listed as participant #523 on OWOH list
    avennett at verizon DOT net

  60. Hi True!
    I love your blog and you are such a creative soul!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you too!

    Waxela (wa-shay-la)
    aka SpiritMama

  61. Your tag is gorgeous! I love it!
    And the ribbons are very useful and lovely too.

    Welcome to my blog!
    Susan :)

  62. Your cards are amazing, and I would adore that ribbon!

    Please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway also! I'm #590.

    hoerauf at comcast dot net


  63. Gorgeous colour ribbons, thanks for the chance to win in your OWOH giveaway.

    Please stop by at mine #636

  64. What great offering !
    A great blog. Thanks for being part of OWOH .

    If you have time stop by my blog

  65. What talent you have. Your cards are super. I really want that ribbon. I need that ribbon. It would be perfect for my journal covers. Can you tell I want that ribbon? I'm # 11, and would love to have you stop by if you haven't already.

  66. Hi Trudy, I'm so glad that you came to visit my blog and we are now followers. I love all your cards and creativity and you have certainly taught me some tricks of the trade. You are AWESOME!
    I drooled over your ribbons and will be enrolling into the RR club. Albeit, it would be wonderful to win your offering!!
    Big Hugs, Kathie

  67. Please enter my name in your lovely giveaway-
    Bonnie in Florida
    Blogs #566 and #567 USA

  68. True, love your work. I also love the silk ribbon!!! :))

  69. Thanks for offering such a nice giveaway--those ribbons are truly beautiful! I hope you have a chance to stop by my blog & enter my giveaway, too! #331

  70. Hello from the Philippines, True! Your cards are a labor of love! So many details and I really like the colors! And I know exactly what I'd do with the ribbons if I win- so I hope they come my way! Do come by and see if you'd like to win my prize! Patsy.paterno (at) from

  71. Hi True! Happy OWOH. It's nice to meet you. Your cards are so lovely! I loved learning a bit about you. :) I warmly invite you to visit with me:
    Sincerely, Theresa

  72. Hi-ya Trudy! How cool to have your art made into stamp illustrations! Very talented. Also very thoughtful gift, the ribbon is so nice!
    cathyguitarteacher-77 at

  73. Beautiful cards!! stop by my blog if you get a chance


  74. Your cards are adorable...and that ribbon *drool*...please count me in!!

    Cameron #83

  75. Oh my goodness, your poor puppy!!! I hope she was able to go pee before she burst in the house! LOL

  76. You are such a fantastic stamp artist. I love everything you do.

    And, your poor dog..that was quite a jolt to find himself buried in the snow. I hope he got some relief though before he went back in the house.

  77. Hello, you have a lovely blog. Full of energy.

  78. so glad I stopped by your blog today. That ribbon is gorgeous. Love your cards also. Poor little girl. We have a mini weiner dog who had the same problem a few years ago when wee lived in Ohio.

  79. Beautiful work True- you are so talented! Oh your poor dog- too funny though. I sure hope he got to relieve himself somehow....... Wonderful ribbons and Tag card- love that Love Coupon stamp!

  80. Wow your cards are amazing! Beautiful giveaway, thank you for the chance to win! Thank you for your comment on my blog, it's nice to meet you!

  81. Just stoped by and came across you video about Zoey. We have a Rosie our English Bulldog. Our Junior passed on this past Thanksgiving. This is our 3rd bulldog.

    Stop by and see Rosie. She is my avatar.

  82. I am obsessed with ribbons. Beautiful cards, BTW.

    I love seeing all the neat things that people create!

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

    Amy from Pennsylvania (OWOH #520)
    artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

  83. I am so excited to participate in my first OWOH blog hop and giveaway. Your creativity is lovely.
    please check out my blog

  84. Hello from Oregon! I am already a follower but love stopping by and checking out your "stuff"! Beautiful ribbon in the giveaway. Please enter me!
    :) Gale Feel free to visit my blog and enter the giveaway if you get a chance.

  85. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. what I like :D..especially since some will be a surprize. for Zoey...poor sweet thing...burrr cold, no wonder she didn't need to go anymore...LOL! Thanks again for the opportunity to meet you, your family and Zoey.

    Bright blessings,

  86. Hello Trudy! You're such a wonderful person, I can tell! I've never seen hand-dyed ribbons so I hope I win!

    Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)


    calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
    calej d'art

  87. Zoey was just to cute in all that snow! Great giveaway, who can resist rbbon! I'm #65 on the list.

  88. True thanks so much for dropping by my blogs #22, 24 and it's always fantastic to meet another card maker and stamper! I've book marked your blog to visit you again! Thanks so much for participating in OWOH as I would haven't come across your blog otherwise!



    spikelikeart at gmail dot com

  89. Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!

  90. What lovely art. Thanks for inviting us over. Love that ribbon

  91. Amazing cards.... love them. Great snow video and Zoey.

  92. Thank you for your visit it was nice to 'meet' you :)

    I love the cards you make and your door prize is awesome!


  93. WOW i loooove it all =) Specially the red tag. Adorable. Ty so much for the comment on my blog and for being my follower. I am now one of your newest followers. Oh and btw, i think there might be something odd with your blog date =) The post says 17th of feb. But its only the second =)

    Hugs from Lilli =)
    l.a.nikolaisen at gmail dot com

  94. Your creations are beautiful, it is obvious you enjoy what you are doing. That ribbon looks amazing as does the tag. And the "surprise element" adds a little excitement. I'd be thrilled to win.

    Thanks for the chance,
    #399 - come see me!

  95. Hi True! It was so nice of you to come see my blog. I am pretty sure I have been to yours before. I love your designs and amazing cards. The monkey is so cute! I will have to check out the stamp company you design for. Sounds like you are a busy lady! I am so excited to have a chance to win your prize. I love ribbon. Thank you!!

  96. What pretty ribbons and tag! Your cards are lovely and nicely detailed.
    Please put me in your draw and come on over to my blog #348 and leave a comment to try and win my door prizes. Thanks!

  97. Your creations are stunning. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am now a follower of your blog!

  98. Trudy, I am absolutely drooling over your cards and your giveaway is perfect for any crafter....ah me included. Thanks for visiting my blog via OWOH and following me. I will definitely be following you.

  99. It was nice to read about you and your work. I love your creations. Thanks for offering this as a giveaway!

  100. It's lovely to meet you True and see some of your wonderful creations. I'd love to be in your giveaway, lovely ribbons and surprises -yay!!
    (I tried to watch your video but it wouldn't go any futher than 21 seconds for me)
    I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.

    Sherry from England, UK (OWOH#133)

  101. Hey there True, Thanks for the kind words! I have been following your blog since last OWOH but it's nice to see you on mine and thanks for following and with that said I would deff like to win your door prize!!
    See ya around the blogs!!!
    Hugs, Melissa

  102. Poor Zoe! Did she ever get a place cleared off enought to go pee? Or is she still holding it??? Zoe could've used a wild horse to break the trail to the peegrounds! That was very funny, thanks for sharing. Smile for the day. So, why con't my Copic markers make art as good as yours? I keep trying but all I get are scribblings and smudgies! Just kidding, I love those pens. Finally broke down and picked up a few to use in my first art journal. Having fun and learning some stuff about ME. Cool. A box of ribbons and bits? Oh yeah. Love those grabbags of fun. Good luck on the flight and hope you meet some nice folks & see some cool art. Tina

  103. What a generous giveaway! thank you so much for the chance to win something so beautiful and useful!

    come to enter mine if you have time!


  104. Great cards, and love the ribbon!
    Caryl #270

  105. Hi True! Your art is wonderful! Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just leave me a comment on my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  106. Hello True,
    thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I would like to win one of your giveaways.

    Hugs from Germany

  107. great blog


    My blog, Not much Yet!

  108. Greetings from Wyoming! Love those beautiful. And your tag is awesome too. Please enter me.

    If you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
    # 385
    # 132

  109. True, your giveaways are always so wonderful. :) the cards you showed to represent your talent are awesome, I especially love PB&J and the hamburger and Fries...A DOR ABLE!!
    Please add me to the drawing and come see me #209...grand prize is a huge card making set I am making myself. :)

    Be well,
    (Pieces of Fate)

  110. I will definitely be adding you to blogs I follow. I love your art! I am new to stamping and have a lot to learn!

  111. One World One Heart is such a fun way for all of us to connect. How I would love to own your lovely creation. Count me in:) Come by to see me at #234 when you have time:)

  112. Hi True, thanks for stopping by my blog to enter my giveaway. So here I am.
    I was reading your profile only to find another person who likes Puppy Breath, yes it is rather odd but it's a smell that just is so beautiful isn't it? ROFL. At least we have that in common and like you I love to create.
    You have a lovely blog and I intend on returning often.
    Enjoy the ride on OWOH.
    Lesley D in Ssnowy Ont. Canada

  113. Hi from central Minnesota! Your art is beautiful, so much inspiration, can't wait to come back and look some more! Thank you so much for the chance to win gorgeous ribbon and more!

  114. Oh, those ribbons are wonderful! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!
    ~martha (#384)

  115. This is a lovely giveaway!

    Please visit my page too:

  116. Hi True, I love your nickname!!
    It is fantastic that you enjoyed my blog and just became my latest friend!! Thank you, and I hope we can get to know each other better. Please feel free to comment anytime.

    And as for the giveaway, how lovely ribbons. they are delicius.

    A big hug from Spain

  117. What a beautiful blog and stunning work I'm just gettin in to digi so need all the help I can get :):) I've joined your followers so that I can come back

    A great and useful door prize - fingers crossed - should I win :):) my email is on my blog at No 177 UK

    x Hilda

  118. Nice to meet you True! Love your give away True Love! Such a sweet signature for you! The rainbow ribbon and all of your cards are to die for!
    Poor Zoey so challenged in the snow! I actually have one cat that makes snow angels. It's too funny!
    Glad to have met you. I am waving to you in Ohio. #220 needlewings at mac dot com

  119. wow, you are so talented! the ribbons and the tag look wonderful and i love surprises in the mail. Thanks so much for the chance to win! I hope you can come to visit me at and join my giveaway. Happy OWOH travels!

  120. Wow! That is really cool ribbon! I love you cards!

  121. Your cards are so beautiful and creative.
    Thanks for the chance at your doorprize!
    Stop by my giveaway as well.

  122. Awww cute puppy!!! I would love to be included in the drawing!

    northstarshetlands AT

  123. Very pretty giveaways.
    OWOH hugs.
    Carol H.

  124. Hello True (I love that nickname!). I'm so glad you stopped by to say hello and gave me the chance to come visit you. I enjoyed seeing all your adorable cards. Your work is wonderful and how fun that you get to make what you love for work. I'm just starting to make my way around this humungous blog hop! Thank you for sharing and your Zoe is tooo cute :) Thank you also for the chance to win your beautiful ribbons and tag. hugs...


  125. Your cards are just beautiful! & I'm loving the tag, keeping my fingers crossed that I win it :)

  126. True, I just happened upon your blog while clicking around (shhh...don't tell work). Your work is FABULOUS, so I had to become a follower!

  127. what fun prizes!

  128. Greetings from snowy Massachusetts. The photo of you is adorable. You seem like a warm and genuine person. Blessings to you and yours and especially your friend struggling with stomach cancer. I will be praying for her. There are always blessings in the journey,
    Rebecca #393 (I like rainbows too!)

  129. Hi Trudy,
    Greetings from Australia, it's great to meet you and visit your blog. I would love to be the lucky winner of your lovely bx of gifts. Please come by #9 and say hello.

    Love the video too,

  130. Hi, True! I've been a follower of yours for a while now. I'm so glad you are taking part in OWOH. It is so much fun, isn't it?
    I love your giveaway. I have my fingers and toes crossed, lol!
    Please stop by and visit my OWOH giveaway (#419).
    hockman1 at sbcglobal dot net

  131. Wow, I would love to win your giveaway...I have never had hand dyed ribbons, they look beaqutiful..oh what I could do with them. Please come visit my blog.
    Carolyn Kight from Michigan, USA


    Another email: (I like this one the best.)

  132. Hi! I'm glad to have the chance to visit your blog. It's lovely! And your cards are gorgeous. Stamping is one of my favorite crafts, especially since clear stamps came out!

    I'm a jewelry artist from Colorado and No. 696 on the blog roll. I'd love to be included in your drawing. Please visit if you have time! Peace~Debi

  133. Such a lovely blog and a fun giveaway. Please enter me and thank you!

  134. OMG! Your cards are simply beautiful and so creative!! I'm so glad I stopped by to see your wonderous blog and I will come back again :)
    I do hope you will pop in and have a look at my blog and the prize I have to offer :)
    Lynn xx
    Lynn's Designer Creations
    #744 OWOH list

  135. Beautiful cards and fabulous silk ribbon.
    Thank you for giving me the chance to win your Door Prize and do swing by and enter mine as well.
    Doreen #573.

  136. awesome cards and an awesome blog, thanks for taking the time to visit my blog, love the ribbons that you use

  137. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!! Your cards are so beautiful!!
    Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!!

    jenniffer626 at yahoo dot com

  138. HI! Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping on my blog...and I'm delighted to become a follower of yours. LOTS of talent!!!! WOW!!! This will be a regular stop for me!!!! You have some great designs on here!!! And then a blog give away also!! Oh MY!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!!!

  139. What a beautiful blog you have True, thank you for the invite to join I'm so glad you did. I think I'll be visiting often, your work is gorgeous.
    Suzi x

  140. Hi there, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and becoming a follower - wow your makes are gorgeous also entered the giveaway - thank you - ali xx (

  141. love your blog music! thank you for inviting me over. :) great creations! stay warm!!

  142. Love your cards! Please include in me in your drawing and come enter mine too!
    Happy OWOH Days!
    Coralie (Michigan/USA)

    A Vintage Cottage Home
    OWOH #303

  143. Thank you for your kind words on my blog and I loved reading this entry you are so kind with your gifts and bless your dog x

  144. Wow your cards are fabulous and such lovely stamps and digi's. I feel bad for poor Zoe. Imagine having to pee in that? Brrrrr....
    Hugs Bonnie

  145. Who wouldn't want to win this gorgeous candy! Of course I do & thanks for the chance to win. I'm now a follower & have added your candy to my sidebar.

  146. Lovely things!

  147. Love your work Trudy, I've been a follower for a while! Nice to see you here, enjoy the rest of your OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

  148. Lots of wonderful things on your blog! I really enjoyed reading it.
    Thanks for sharing it.
    Come visit me at

  149. Hey True! thanks for stopping by my blog today and also becoming a follower! here I am and following you too! and well you have ribbon too! thanks for a chance to win beautiful the tag is AWESOME too! hugs Samantha :0)

  150. so pretty and creative. so nice to meet you through this event. please stop by for a visit on my blog too of you'd like.

  151. great also love your makeup.. you are very pretty.. happy blog hopping.. xoxoxolaura..
    #405 on the list

  152. I remember your beautiful cards from last year good to find you again!

    Please stop by for a visit when you get the chance:

  153. Hey True!
    Beautiful stuff here! Thanks for participating!
    Please add me to your drawing!

  154. Hiya True ,
    Happy OWOH ...oh i pop by your blog alot .your very talented ;lady and im so pleased that your images and yourself ahve been rewarded and made into digis and stamps ...yopu go girl!
    Ive been a folloer for long while yyour tag is absolutely stunning you inspire so many crafters me included.I would be honoured to win one of your creations and display on my wall along with other handmade items .
    Have fab weekend and hope the snow is not stioll falling
    love n hugs judex....UK....X

  155. Your cards are amazing! Love the heart tag too, so beautiful. Thanks for visiting my blog! Maggie

  156. So fabulous cards!!!!All of them are so sweet,so colourful,so perfect!!!
    Loved them!!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!!!!

  157. Your cards are incredible! I love the tag, and the ribbons are so pretty. Thanks for the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway.

  158. Zoey made a doggy angel :D She's adorable - when we had the snow it was so funny watching our jack Russells trying (unsuccessfully) to tippy toe through it *g*

    Thank you for the chance to win your fabulous prize - the tag is gorgeous as is the ribbon :)

    Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post :)

    OWOH #365

  159. LOL loved your pooch :) What wonderful treats! Nice to meet you and happy OWOH!!Please add my name to your sweet treat giveaway and come on by and add your name to my hat too!! I am #228!
    Sarah :)

  160. Wow Trudy your blog is fabulous!!!! I will be here often believe you me!!! Thanks for the visite and the invite as I am now a follower of yours as well :))))

    Candy too????? You are spoiling us :)))) So glad to be here, you seem to be a very loving and giving lady!!

    Tammy xox

  161. Greetings from Massachusetts! Love your blog! Your cards are great! Thanks for the chance to win.

    I hope you will come and visit my OWOH post and check out my blog!

    illtemperedink AT msn DOT com

  162. Trudy, It is so wonderful to meet you. Happy OWOH. I love the hand dyed ribbon. It is gorgeous, and the tag is just charming.
    All of the cards are just so cute.
    Please come by and visit me.
    Wishes and Whimsy
    Wendy from Wonderland

  163. Thank you for visiting my blog. Zoey is so cute!!! My dog is having issues with the vast amounts of snow we got this week in Wisconsin too.

    hhertziger at mac dot com

  164. Your cards are beautiful--thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment!

  165. You are very talented and creative. Your cards and tags are very lovely. Please add me to your drawing and come over and visit me too at #229 on the OWOH list.

  166. True D:Thank you so very much for your sweet thoughts and prayers for my son and daughter. I can not say anything except that the Lord will bless you for your compassion toward strangers.
    p.s. Enjoy the ride on OWOH!

  167. wow, you make lovely cards!!! the ribbons are really beautiful and the tag too!

  168. Hi True

    Would love to win your prize so please enter me into your draw.

    Your cards/stamps are very beautiful and I think I may have passed by your way last year, I also you may have visited already too.


  169. Hi True:)
    Thanks for visiting me. I am very happy to have found you through OWOH. Your blog and your work is wonderful. I'll be back and I am following you. Your door prize is really great - I love ribbon.

  170. I would love to be entered in your wonderful drawing. Please visit me I am #809 in the OWOH tour.

  171. Hey True, It's lovely to meet you and to discover your blog. What a lovely and generous giveaway! Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH participant 598

  172. Hey there True, greetings from southern California.
    What a wonderful place to land on this OWOH journey.
    I love the ribbons and the tag, beautiful stuff here, Thanks for the chance.
    If you get a chance come by my blog #442 on your flight and spend a little of your precious time with me.

  173. Hi Trudy!! You have fabulous cards!! I think I'll become your newest follower :)

  174. Hi True~I've been a follower since having the wonderful opportunity to work with you on Really Reasonable Ribbon's design team. I am always so amazed at your beautiful work that you have created. Absolutely love the images you have been designing - just stunning! For now I've somewhat taken a sort of break from cardmaking. Have developed carpal tunnel in my hand which makes it very painful to color or put together projects. Can't give it up completely - too much of a passion. So, I enjoy coming over and seeing your spectacular creations. Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity to possibly win the fabulous candy. My blog is which also has my email address.


  175. I'm probably one of your newest followers but just love your work. Your dog is simply adorable, x

  176. Wow! You truly are an amazing artist. I have been a follower for a while.
    Thank you for your generosity with this candy - I would love to own it!
    PS - I totally understand how you can love puppy breath!! LOL!
    Love, Andrea xx

  177. I've been a follower for some time and just love seeing your beautiful creations True!! Thanks for the chance to win your generous goodies (just something you created would be prize enough for me!!!)

  178. Hi Trudy; I was originally looking for another card from Really Reasonable Ribbons but happened to come across this; so I'd better leave a comment here too and make myself available for the generous gift!
    Charlotta / La Vikinga

  179. Hi True :-) I have just watched the video ,,, sooo cute !! ,,, can't be nice going to pee with your nether regions being frozen eh !! brrr :-) bless her !

    fabby candy too I love the surprise element oo ,,, we all like a surprise !

    I have been a stalker for ages :-) xx

    Lols x x x

  180. WOW! you have so many talents! I love your cards and your drawn images!

  181. Hi, True, this is Michelle L. from Los Angeles! You have a beautiful blog, so nice to meet you through OWOH! I love how you have your music at the top for the option of turning off - have never seen that before. (I didn't turn it off.) You seem like a super fun girl, hope you come over and visit my blog when you get a chance!

  182. Thanks for becoming a follower of mine True. I've been a follower of yours for a year now. These are some fabulous cards. I especially like the Just BeeCause one. Those colors are fabulous. I'm looking forward to seeing you around my blog once in awhile now! Woohoo! Lots of love - Ms. Jen

  183. Those look to be beautiful and very useful ribbon. What I love most about it, is the color isn't uniform throughout the ribbon.
    Love the tag! Very nice! And ooh a surprise!

    Ducky Doo
    (just replace AT with @ I do this to dodge email grabbing internet bots)

  184. Wow so many beautiful cards in one post! You are a busy lady! Each card is so special and gorgeous! I especially love that sweet bunny in your first card. I will be back to visit often! I am already a follower! Thanks for visiting my blog! big hugs, Angela

  185. Hi True. It is so wonderful to meet you. You have a fabulous place here.
    I would love it if you would enter my name into your drawing for a chance to win one of your beautiful gifts. Also, thanks for sharing the video... I really did get a chuckle out of it :)

    Please stop on by my blog for a visit. I am #78 on the OWOH participant list.

  186. Hi True...I sooo need this candy :)LOL!!!! You are OVER generous to offer it up!! I LOVE LOVE your creations and hmmm been following you quiet some time!!! LOVE your drawings too, you are just all around brillant!!! Thanks for this inspirational post!!! Have a great one!

  187. Hi I love visiting your blog because of your wee stories they are really nice. All your cards are so beautiful in different ways. Thank you for sharing this wonderful candy. Good Luck everyone Kitty :)

  188. Hi from Canberra Australia thanks for allowing me to enter your giveaway and please come by my blog and enter mine.
    Doreen #573

  189. True- so good to meet you. thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. i love your blog and am a follower now!! please toss my name in the hat for your wonderful doorprize - oh the things i could do with those yards and yards of ribbon!!! :-)

  190. Greetings from Ipswich, Ma.
    I love your giveaways! You are a wonderful artist. :)

    Please enter me into the OWOH give away. I'd love to have you visit my blog and have a look around.

    Hugs from Linda L
    email -

  191. Wow, your cards are beautiful. The ribbon giveaway is wonderful....I love to use ribbon in my art. On can never hve too many gorgeous ribbons!

  192. Thanks for the candy! I follow you!


  193. Your work and your blog are lovely and quality! Peggy

  194. Wow! What a blog! And I loved the video!

    I've really enjoyed your blog!

    OWOH #378

  195. awesome giveaway- I am having so much fun checking out everyone's blogs! Thanks for the chance to win

  196. Hi True, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've had fun checking yours out. You are a very busy girl! Love your music, did Zoey ever go pee? I have also been married for 30 years, how time fly's. I find out tomorrow if I made it on the 2012 Cloth Paper Scissor Calendar. I might have to stay up all night. Nice meeting you, Cindy

  197. Hi True, thanks for the lovely message you left on my blog :)
    Wow, your stuff is amazing! (And I love your writing too!)

  198. hi from perth western australia. love your blog and the wonderful give away. hope you will also pop over to and say hi. thanks for sharing with me.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. Makes what I do worthwhile! :)
True :)