
Friday, January 7, 2011

No Card...Just Some Yakin'. :)

Hi Everyone!
I thought I would drop in and share a few things with you.
First I have to tell you that I found an awesome new tool today! I had to go to the post office to mail my friend Katie a card because I thought it might be too thick for regular postage due to the embellishments. I was right but while I was there, I asked if there was something that would let me measure for size and thickness at home. The postal worker handed me a template. They didn't charge me for it either! WAY COOL!

Now I won't have to run to the post office all of the time! I am sure that most of you have thick cards or odd sized ones too that you have wondered abut. I went on line to look them up and you can BUY them online but why pay for them if you can just pick one up for free at your local post office?
Item #2
I was trolling my design team blogs so that I could start a blog list of them (see right-hand sidebar) and I saw that Inky Antics posted about me joining their team.
Please pop on over there leave a quick comment, and add them as a follower so you can see updates. :)


Head on over to Creative Charms Facebook page and sign up for some sweet candy!
Then you should check out the Creative Charm's blog and see this month's "Deal of the Month" and Kit of the Month". They are both AWESOME!

Thanks for dropping by!

True :D


  1. Hi there. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. You said that you'd become a follower, but I can't see that you have?!? Maybe you hopped off before you remembered to do that bit? I'm already a follower of yours - you've got some great cards!! Hugs, Marie xx

  2. My husband surprised me with one of these mail templates for Christmas! He had tried to get one at of our local PO but they would not give him one or even tell how he could find one. But another nearby PO kindly gave him one. All depends on the PO you ask.

  3. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. And welcome as a new follower. I am now following yours.
    hugs Dorte


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. Makes what I do worthwhile! :)
True :)