
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Posting a Thank You for a gift that I received awhile back.

Hello All!
Way back in January of this year I participated in a wonderful blog hop event called "One World One Heart".
I was blessed to have been chosen the winner of about a dozen different and I might say AMAZING blog candies. I posted a Thank You as a group after I had received the majority of them. There were a couple that came later and I fully intended on posting Thanks but between health, family health, bum computer and a horrible ISP email issue, I wasn't able to post at the time I received it.
Better late then never I say...LOL!
This painting is entitled "Invoking Clarity" and was created by the super talented Carol Wiebe.
The pictures are great but the still don't do it justice!
I feel so lucky to be the recipient of this thought wonderful piece!

Thanks so much Carol! I think of your talent and generosity every time I look at it!
I hope you will head on over to Carols blog and take a peek at more of her amazing artwork.
True :D


  1. You are beyond talented. WOW!
    I mean your blog is fantastic! I love your rose you made a few posts down!

    Hugs and Blessings!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. Makes what I do worthwhile! :)
True :)