
Friday, June 4, 2010

*** True's Update***

Hello All!
I thought I should come on long enough today to at least let you know that my surgery went well and I am on the road to recovery. It is still painful to sit up for a long period of time and my eyes are very blurry from all of the pain and anti-nausea medications I am on. I am not able to read the words on the computer screen so I have yet to get a chance to come around and thank all of you for the sweet comments on my blog candy post. I was able to see some of your comments on my Blackberry while I was in the hospital (before they switched my pain meds for home) and I am touched by all of the kind words that have been posted on my behalf!
I know I need to set a time to close my blog candy, but don't see being able to do much this weekend. I will set a closing date of Saturday, June 12th. If there is anyone that still would like to enter my "MEGA MULTI COMPANY BLOG CANDY" , now is your chance.


  1. Hi True,
    I'm very happy for you that everything went well. Wish you a speedy recovery.
    Hugs, Sandra

  2. Glad everything is behind you now and wish you a speedy and full recovery!

  3. True, I'm glad to hear that everything went well. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  4. Awww..I'm so glad you are on the road to recovery! I had back surgery at the end of last year..I don't know what I would have done without my computer! I hope you continue to get well..hugs to you!

  5. So happy to hear everything went well! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Get some good rest!

  6. I'm so happy that everything went well in your surgery. I wish you all the best in your recovery and hope its a speedy one. you have been in my prayers.

  7. All the best for a speedy recovery True.


  8. Thanks for the update True... glad to hear that you're on the up side of recover!

  9. Glad you of your surgery went well, God is with you and you care, take care, I'm praying for you, get well, everything will go well and soon all be back to normal!

    I send you a big hug and a kiss from Mexico!

  10. So glad to hear that you are home and in recovery mode. xx

  11. Thanks for the update True. I've been thinking about you and sending feel better vibs.

  12. :) I'm glad to hear you're on the mend. Sending happy thoughts your way...

  13. Hi,

    so happy to hear that everything went off well... and trust me in no time you will be fully recovered back in action soon...

    God Bless

  14. A big hug from Italy! I hope you're well as soon as possible!

  15. Glad to hear that your surgery went well. Hope that you start to feel better so that you can come off the meds.

  16. True,

    I'm so glad your surgery went well and you are on the road to recovery. Follow doctor's orders - we want you healthy sooner rather than later!

    When you are well, some people left love for you on the May 26th post I wrote re: your surgery and blog candy, so be sure to check it out!

    Lots of love and continued prayers,

  17. glad to hear you're home and feeling ok. Take care


  18. Glad to hear you are back at's always so much better to mend at home! Get the needed rest you need to get well. we will miss your wonderful pieces of art...I'm sure I can speak for all of us bloggers...we will wait patiently in the meantime, and look forward to you being up and going again creating and inspiring us all!

  19. So glad things went well- keep the recovery speedy - don't overdue it! Wishing you the best!

  20. Thanks for keeping us informed..I have been wondering how ur doing..Greetings from Canada

  21. Good to see you checking in! Get lots of rest and take care of yourself. See you soon!

  22. Nice to hear you pulled through :) get lots of rest and listen to your body!

  23. True, I'm so glad to read you are doing well!
    Take care of yourself!

  24. so pleased to hear you are recovering at home, that sounds positive!!! do not stress about anything like thanking people or closing the candy, your energies are needed for a complete and successful recovery!!! continued best wishes and prayers!

  25. Feel better soon True. I'm sending up a prayer for your speedy recovery!

  26. So glad to hear that you are back home and on the road to a full recovery! Hope that you are feeling better soon.

  27. Thank you for the update, True! May God continue to heal and restore you to complete health. Just take one day at a time and not rush things (not that you are able to do much yet...) We love you and want you well :)

    God bless you ~

    ♥ Lori

  28. True,
    Im so please the surgery went well,and your on the road to recovery.Take it easy dont rush thinking of you sending you speedy get well wishes
    Love n hugs judex

  29. Hello True,

    Good to hear your surgery went well and I hope the recovery will go well and I hope faster than you think! Hope to hear from you again soon, live!


  30. Hi True
    So glad to hear your surgery went well - take it easy for a while and get well soon!

  31. I wish you good health. Thank God you are back home and I hope your loved ones are taking good care of you! You deserve some rest. :)

  32. I wanna wish you a speedy recovery too :)

  33. Hi True,

    I did leave message also this weekend, but I don't see it here... so here's a new one.. Good to hear you are doing better, I wish you all the best in the recovery time! Hope that will all go well and as fast as possible, so that you'll be all well again soon! Take care!

    Love, Wendy

  34. I am very happy that everything went successfully for you. Be calm, relax:). Wish you recover quickly and easily. Hugs!

    Light and smiling day!
    Ralitsa Tsolova

  35. True, I am so glad that everything went well and that it is over! I wish you a speedy recovery! I will keep you in my prayers! :)


  36. Glad to hear you are home and recovering! Wishes for a speedy one! Hugs, Val

  37. So glad to hear your surgery went well. Hope you are feeling well again soon!!
    *with get-well hugs and prayers*

  38. Hi friend, how siges? and you feel better? I have been illusions much for this wonderful candy, and I'm not a person likely to buy such beautiful things, sleep and get excited about winning a wonderful candy like yours, I've walked a little sad, I'm praying that you are well. I wish you a speedy recovery, I send a hug with love!

  39. So glad everything went well, take your time to get your strength back and don't rush back too quickly. Best wishes Debs xx

  40. So glad things went well. Can't wait to have you back on the blog!

  41. hi huni i am glad you are back in the comfort of your own home and wish you a full and very speedy recovery we miss you loads
    Lorraine xx

  42. I'm glad to hear that you're getting better. Hope your recovery is fast and without complications, and that we'll see you back here on your blog soon.

  43. I'm glad to hear you are at home recovering now...much better than the hospital because you can actually get some rest. I have added you to the list in my prayer group so you many extra prayers coming your way:0)

  44. ((( True ))),

    So glad the surgery went well and that you are on the road to recovery. Prayers still coming your way and look forward to your return. For now, just take care of yourself.


  45. So glad everything went well and wishing that you will be fully recovered soon.
    Enjoy what is left of the week!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. Makes what I do worthwhile! :)
True :)