~~~~~~ Attention....The blog candy give away is now closed. The winner was Jacilynn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hello All!
I finally think I have got my blog looking pretty good so I want to show it off! LOL!
I am giving away some pretty awesome blog candy ...if I say so myself! I went shopping and found this really cute 12" by 12" glitter paper stack by "The Paper Studio" and some bling that I thought matched it perfectly. There are 2 packages of "K&CoMPANY" glittered and popped butterflies, a package of half pearls and gemstones both by "The Paper Studio" and 2 rolls of satin ribbon from "The Robert Stanley Collection." I think you have just about everything you need here to make some awesome cards or scrapbook pages! You can click on the pictures for a better look.
The catch you ask? You have to do a little work.
1) Become a follower of my blog...if you aren't already.
2) Mention my blog candy on your blog either in your sidebar or in a post, and add a link back to my page. If you would like my blog button for your page, email me and I will gladly send you the HTML code!
3) Come back here and comment under this post so I can go check out your blog to see your posting.
That is it. Easy as one, two, three!
I will have an online random picker draw names on Easter morning @ 8am Central time.
I will post the winner on my blog and notify by email or on your blog.
Thanks for helping me spread the word about my blog and good luck to you all!
Hi True,
Your blog is amazing!! What a fabulous job you have done with it. I have added a notice about your blog candy in the right sidebar of my blog. Already had your badge and was a follower. Hope you have lots of visitors to look at your beautiful work!
Hi True, lovely blog and candy is fab. Love to win it, I post it on my blog, and I am already your follower. You can check:
Hugs, Moni
Hi True! Just added it to my blog and requested your super cute button! I'll add that as soon as I receive the HTML! Thanks and your blog looks great!
Wow, what a very lovely blog! I have added you to my google reader, so now I am a follower of yor blog as well. I don't have my own blog, but will tell my friends about your blog.
Hey True, super candy!! Blog is looking super good. Have added you to my sidebar!!
Love your blog! Good job. I am requesting your button and will post to my blog when hmlt is received!
Hi Trudy,
Your blog does look amazing!, you did a really fabulous job creating it :) I'm off to post a pic of your candy on my blog. Keep making those gorgeous cards :), I love looking at your work, your cards are just beautiful.
Never mind pretty good, your blog is so fabulous! I so look forward to seeing all your creations, I am a huge fan! I have linked your candy on my side bar and I was already a follower!
have a great sunday, hugs Debx
hello..your blog site is pretty and inspiring..
if i am right i link your blog candy in my blog..hope to win your candies...
Hi True, super candy!!
Thank's for the chance to win.
Have added you to my sidebar!!
I'm follower too, hugs from Brasil.
Hi True,
Your cards are gorgeous and the blog is great.
Thanks for the blog candy, my my, what goodies!
I'be become a follower and
also linked your blog candy on my blog's sidebar
Hi True,
Your cards are absolutely gorgeous!
I've became a follower and also linked the candy on my blog's sidebar.
Thanks for giving us the chance of winning it :-)
Hey True!
Super-yummy! You can read my post here:
I'm already a faithful follower - Thx for the inspiration and the chance to win!
Keep Smiling! ~ Sonya
hi, True
you have a wonderful, inspiring blog. You do amazing work. I just scrolled through and am delighted to find your blog. It's a treasure trove of inspiration!
Just joined your followers and I linked you on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance.
Greetings Regina from Germany
Keep up the super work, True. Thanks for all your tips too! I put in the left hand side of my blogpage - jenislack.blogspot.com
Please send me a button to put on the page. All the best -Jeni
Hey There,
YOur blog looks great. Glad I found ya. Great Candy. I've linked you on my sidebar. Have a great day!
I do not have a blog but would greatly appreciate knowing where I could purchase a So So Sweet paper pack. I have been looking for weeks! Thanks, Natalie
Hi, I follow but I havent quite figured out how to do a blog yet...ty for a chance...I luv the candy and your very very pretty blog! Im not a new follower...cher
Great blogcandy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I became a follower and posted a link on my blog:
Hello True, your blog looks great! And your candy is so yummy! I'm a follower and here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Hi True, what a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win.
1: I am a follower
2: I post your candy on my blog
3: Here is my comment
Hugs Andrea
Hey True!!
I love it that you have flowers on everything - I don't use them enough!
I've ecome a follower, and put your candy picture on my blog with a link!! It's here:
Esme x
Hi True~OMG I did it, I have been trying for some time now to get on blogs, Finally I thank I got it down now. I really like your candy gift, the colors are so pretty, any one will just love to have it.
Take care and have the most wonderful day from A big smile from Becky
Awesome, awesome blog! Love all your work. And thank you for the great blog-candy.
I have your blog on my side-bar. And have become a follower!
Hugs & good luck to all!
Sweet candy, really.
I am follower, i put the link on my blog and i am here.
You can see my bloghere
Really love your creations...They have s strong romantic note! Love the colours you use! I'm in!!
Oooooh what fab candy, i have linked you on my sidebar and am now a follower of your fab blog.my blog is HEREhttp://diamonddollscraftyspace.blogspot.comhtml#links
Trish (-:
Hello True,
Your blog is beautiful!
I don't have a blog yet....
Chris ^j^
Great candy.Thanks for the chance to win.I become a follower of your amazing blog and I make a link on my BLOG
Big hugs
Your blog looks great! I am now a follower also. And here is the link to my post about your candy on my blog:
I love, love, love your blog. Such cute cards. You stitch on almost everything I noticed. I have't gotten the guts to stitch on a card yet. I linked your candy on my sidebar and I'm going to keep a watch on your blog to see what projects you come up with next!!!
Very lovely candy! I linked you http://miawoo.blogspot.com/2009/04/blog-candy-1204_1847.html
Thankyou for this great opportunity. I've added myself to your followers andput your candy on my sidebar.
Hope I win, lol.
I've added a link to your giveaway on my blog under Blog Candy Corner and have become a follower as well. Thanks for the chance to win these yummy goodies :)
Am a follower, love the blog,
added a link in my side bar for you,
Hi True, I like your works.
Great candy. Thank you for a chance.
I am your follower and my link is here
What a fabby blog you have!! I've had a lovely time browsing through it and have now become a follower:)
I've left a link on my candy bar for you too.
Thanks for the chance to win your yummy candy!
Anne x
What a nice candy! Would love to be included! I put a link on my sidebar.
Hi!! Me me me, please give me a chance to win this fab candy, love this goodies! I put a link to my candybar about this fantastic candy, but I am not able to become a follower ... it's a technical problem, the followers doesn't appear in your blog, I only see "FOLLOWERS", but there is nothing under! it's so strange!
Beautiful candy, thanks for the chance to win!
I linked the candy on my sidebar!
Hugs, Tanja
Your projects are amazing. And I love to see pictures of other peoples craft rooms *lol*.
I linked your candy in my sidebar.
Hi True, super candy!! Thank's for the chance to win. Have added you to my sidebar!!
I'm your follower.
Hi True, Gorgeous blog!!! and super sweet candy ;) thankyou for the chance to win, i am now a follower and i have popped a link with a piccy on my sidebar.
Love n hugs
Vikki xxx
Hi Fantantastic Candy and thanks for the chance to win Will follow and post too :)
Nikki C
Good Morning: Your blog looks gorgeous! I love all the pink...he he. I have become one of your followers and posted on my blog about your giveaway. Here is the link:
Your cards are amazing. Keep up the good work, and thank you for the chance to win this awesome prize. HAPPY EASTER!!
I've followed your cardmaking for a long time. You just seem to get better and better. I look forward to seeing more.
I have a new blog. I'd honored for you to check it out. http://atimeforpaper.blogspot.com/
So many pretty things to look at...
I've linked to you in my sidebar: http://isabellspyssel.blogspot.com
and also become a follower of you blog.
Lovely blog candy! I've linked to it in the sidebar of my blog. I've also become a follower. Thank you!
what a great blog candy! thanks. I;m a follower now
HELLO.. OKAY I AM FOLLOWING YOU NOW AND HAVE PUT YOU ON MY BLOG.. http://crowingaboutprimitivesblog.blogspot.com/ PLEASE ENTER TO ME TO WIN.. ANN
Hi True
Great candy, thanks for the chance. I've written about your candy on my blog:
Very nice giveaway! I am posting it on my blog!
Thanks for the chance to win i have link you on my blog
HI True
thanks for the chance
Lovely blog candy!
I put a link on my blog and I have become one of your followers
hi there, you really have some nice blog candy. Thanks for the chance of winning. i have left a link on my sidebar and become your follower
Read your profile and what exactly does a Gift Shop Coordinator do? Cause it sounds like fun!
I also love all kinds of crafts, but mainly do needlework, porcelain, crocheting, embroirdery, decoupage...
Would love to be part of this candy.
Will add your link right now. Have already added myself to your followers (not only because of this candy, but because I would love to keep in touch).
Your "work" area is SPOTLESS!!! I also love sunflowers...
Thank you.
I'm new to the blog world. Just set mine up yesterday. Your blog is really looking good. No wonder you feel like showing it off! I became a stalker...er... follower to you blog today. Now, to get the link to this awesome candy on my blog.
Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to win such great candy. I just became a follower and I've posted a link on the sidebar of my blog.
ok, now I have also added a post with a link to your blog candy.
check it out here-
Ananya Gupta
Hey True, super candy!! Blog is looking super good.
Love your work!
I posted your link on my blog sidebar - better late than never, right!
Fabby Blog!! AND nummy candy!! Thanks for the chance!!
Rubber Hugs,
TOTALLY AWESOME!! I am following, linked you and all!!! I would LOVE your icon thingie too to add to my sidebar!! Goodluck and I am SUPER excited!!!
Hi there! what a great candy! as the papers say, it's so so sweet!
wish I'll win it! I just want it so much!
so I blogged here:
and I'm a follower of course!
wish me luck!!!
Fabulous blog candy! i will link your blog right now!
this is my blog: http://ayhandcraft.blogspot.com/
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